I often get asked about my lavender and how to take care of them. (I currently have 45 plants now!) Harvesting lavender is a delicate process that requires precision and care. Pruning at the end of the summer season is crucial to ensure the plant thrives in the following year. Here are my tips on how to harvest lavender effectively:
When is the Best Time to Harvest Lavender?
If you plan to infuse your lavender, the best time to harvest lavender is right before it flowers. However, if you plan on using it ornamentally, wait for when they are in full bloom. This is usually in the summer months, typically once around late May or June and then again around July or August, depending on your location. I even prune right before the first frost in the fall, too.
How to Harvest Lavender?
When harvesting lavender, use sharp scissors or pruning shears to cut the stems. Make sure to leave a few inches of growth on the plant to encourage regrowth. Cut the stems in the morning when the essential oils are at their peak concentration, but this isn't super important.
Why is Pruning at the End of Summer Important?
Pruning lavender at the end of the summer is crucial for the plant's health and longevity. By cutting back the stems, you are promoting new growth and preventing the plant from becoming woody and overgrown. This will ensure a bountiful harvest in the following year! Trust me on this. It loves to be cut back.
How to Prune Lavender?
To prune lavender, cut back the stems by about one-third of their length. Remove any dead or woody growth to allow for new shoots to emerge. Be sure to prune lavender after it has finished flowering to avoid cutting off potential blooms.
By following these expert tips on how to harvest lavender and prune at the end of the summer season, you can ensure a healthy and thriving plant for years to come. Happy lavender harvesting!