Dear Great-Grandma Christina,
Thank you for leaving behind the recipe for your healing ointment we call Gramma's Salve. For if you hadn't, all the products that have come to life in my little laboratory wouldn't exist.
I'm taking care of your rocking chair, and it's quite comfortable, actually. I've also got one of your beautiful white doilies, and framed it in a large case for safekeeping. It's hanging on my wall right now!
I never knew you, but I carry on your name, and have always felt close to you. I've heard stories of your strength, determination and stubbornness. Your husband died when you were in your early fifties, leaving you to finish raising the youngest six children - of the twelve you had. How did you do it? You lived on an island in Lake Erie, called Put-in-Bay, and depended on the odd jobs of your children as well as your own know-how to make ends meet. There was no social security, pensions or welfare - besides, you were too proud to accept it anyway. But, still you persevered.
I will continue on, too. Despite the issues I have faced and will continue to experience, I know I have you watching over me and all your ancestral line. Thank you.
Love, your great-granddaughter, Christine aka Christie